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learningAt iCare we offer a broad range of Web services. Take some time to visit our Web site to see what we can do for you.

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iCare is offering free Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 templates. Feel free to download from our collection of templates. Come back often as we are developing our collection. If you need somewhere to host your site, we can help you. We offer Web hosting starting at $10 per month no gimmick.

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Instructional material

Developing instructional material is the most challenging part of instructional program for any type of learning whether it is Open, Distance or traditional. The clarity of the material and objectives is paramount to the success of the program. The material has to meet the needs of the targeted group hence making sure that we do the needs analysis before we start assembling our instructional material.....

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Using Video with Distance Education

"Since the first reported attempts by Isaac Pitman to teach shorthand by correspondence in 1840" (Mann: 1998, p.7), Distance Education has been around for more than a century. With the opening of the Open University in 1970, the field of Distance Education has been growing rapidly.....

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Barrier to change

Educational institutions are slow at adopting new technologies. Financial constraints and the lack of leadership within learning organization makes this problem more acute. In studying an unrelated subject Rogers (1995) found that "getting a new idea adopted, even when it has obvious advantages, is often very difficult". (Rogers, p.1, 1995) It usually takes a long time from the time an innovation becomes available to the time it gets widely adopted....

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Replicating the traditional model

Technology is used in distance education to remove or alleviate the barriers of time and distance that limit traditional educational delivery. Technology can be used to replicate the classroom by creating virtual classroom where teachers and students interact in real time in much the same way they do in a traditional classroom...

If you would like to read the rest of this article, please email us!

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