At iCare, we listen to your needs, we can design the site that you need. We work with you to make sure that you won't have to pay for technology you won't need. Better than that, we can build a dynamic web site that will free you entirely from the need of a WebMaster.
All these sites use a Content Management System (CMS) that allows the owner entire control on the design and the content of the site. This solution can save your business a lot of money. Click on the image to view a site.
This site features member menu, where members can view videos and view pictures of the activities of the club.
This site informs clients about products that are available. Lots of picutes and one video.
This is a rental site. You can take the virtual tour before you rent.
This site has also a menu for members. The private part of the site displays pictures of the camp and videos. The private part is also used to enhance the learning of students.
This site was built to display the work of the artist. Lots of pictures! The site could also be linked to an online store.
Information Website with a lot of bells and whistles. Unfortunatley this site doesn't exist anymore.
A site with lots of features! Private menu for members, buy and sell (members only), calendar, rotating pictures and many others. This site is mainly used as a communication tool. |
Site with a complete gallery to display the artist's work. |
Commercial Website. Simple but elegant. |
Stunning Website. |
This site is different! It is an online library, in fact there are 8 libraries that you can access on this site. This is a multilingual site French, English, Italian, Flemish and Ocitan. If you need a Library Management System (LMS) this is for you. View what is in your library using the Opac and sign-out books using the administration. Very elegant system you only pay consulting fee as the software is Open Source. Save thousand of $$$$$$.