iCare Consulting

Your Internet Specialist

Sunday, Mar 09th

Last update12:29:02 PM GMT

You are here:: Web Design Testimonial


"Wonderful. I am so impressed with what you are doing."


"Love the blue/grey in the background, really sets of the rest of the page nicely and I also like the way the red tab and the tabs going red when hovered on - keep up the great work!"

"The front page looks pretty darn close to my mock up. Very happy with the layout to date."


"Yes, the site is working well for everything we really need - my group set up in Outlook takes care of the group mailings, so that is not really a problem.  I can use the mass mailings from the site when mailing everyone. Thanks again..."

"Thank you very much.  I am very happy with the site and the level of support you provide..."


"Yes. I have been quite happy. I haven't painted much this year due to other commitments but will keep in touch. Thank you."


"Thank you for the website course and for hosting my website. I really like the way the website looks."


"Thanks iCare, the site looks great." "I have some positive feedback on my site."


"Gilles provides excellent technical know-how and personal commitment to the success of the web sites that he helps establish. He respects the wishes of his clients and is quickly responsive to requests and suggestions. Thank you, Gilles!" 

Ruth McMonagle, art agent, Still Water Fine Arts

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