Yellow Media is in trouble. You are probably asking yourself what this has to do in this blog. Everything! After all technology is what is killing directories like Yellow Pages.
Recently, I had a client who wanted me to build a Website for his business. His reasoning was that he was paying too much in advertising with yellow pages. He thought that it was time for him to move on and drop phone book advertisement. I am not surprised of this decision; after all it is so much easier to look for a business on the Web. Need a phone number! Just enter the name of the business into your search engine and in less time it takes to look into the phone book you not only get the number you need, but also a lot of information about the business. You can even get a link that will bring you to YouTube for infomercial about the product the business is selling.
Same scenario is happening with other businesses that are not adapting fast enough to the changes in technology. But that will be the subject of another blog.