iCare Consulting

Your Internet Specialist

Monday, Mar 10th

Last update12:29:02 PM GMT

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Newsletter June 2011

Dear Customers,

Thanks to you, iCare Consulting is growing. I am pleased to report that all the sites hosted on our server have been running 99.9% of the time.

Be assured that I am busy working on your Web site to keep it running at its best. You may not notice it, but a lot of work has been done in the background, such as upgrades to software and Web site back up.

I am also working on ways to help you maintain the site yourself. There is already a help menu on icareconsulting.com. This menu is only accessible to customers who are registered. In a few days, you will receive a user name and a password. All you’ll have to do is go to the Web site and enter the user name and password into the login window which is located under the home menu. The help menu will appear to the right. Watch the videos to help you remember the skills that you need to update your web site. There are a few videos already there and I will keep adding more. If what you need is not there, email me and I’ll see what I can do.

On the matter of security, you can help protect your Web site by making sure that you are not sharing your password with anyone else. If you need temporary account(s) (for example for a parent volunteer), please let me know and I can set that up for you. These accounts will have restricted privileges that will protect the integrity of your Web site. You can also change your password once in a while. When you do that, make sure you use a combination of numbers and letters. Make your password long enough and don’t use numbers or words that are easy to guess.

Once in a while, I will send you news and tips about how to better use your Web site. Lastly, there is a copy of a contract that is now available on the Web site. You can download the contract and read it. Having a contract won’t change anything for you, but I felt that I needed to have something in place for our mutual protection. The contract is also in the member’s section under Help.

Thank you for your confidence and for any referrals that you may direct to me.

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Tip of the day:

How to change your password:

Go to administration - http://www.mywebsite.com/administrator

Enter user name and password

Next page click on User Manager

Select your name in the list and click on it

Next page enter new password and verify password

Click save at the top of the page.

You are done!......

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